Using Chef to automate Octopus Deployments

If you are using Octopus Deploy to deploy your .Net code to your Windows servers and also using AWS Auto Scaling Groups, you may have come across some of the limitations of Octopus. Primarily, Octopus has no built-in process to deploy the current project release to a newly registered tentacle immediately upon the tentacle registration. Read more about Using Chef to automate Octopus Deployments[…]

AWS – Bootstrap Windows EC2 instance with Chef-Solo

If you have an environment like we do you, fairly small and few service layers, it may not make sense to provision a Chef Server.  Luckily, we can still get the benefits of using Chef to configure our servers by using the included Chef-Solo.  Chef-Solo will run entirely locally on the instance, therefore we must Read more about AWS – Bootstrap Windows EC2 instance with Chef-Solo[…]